Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Best Protein Rich Food Items

Protein rich vegetarian and nonvegetarian items
Photo by from Pexels

Proteins are available in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. Meat along with eggs is considered as ‘Complete Proteins‘ as they contain many Amino-acids used in formation of 9 essential proteins. We can get these amino-acids from vegetarian food products also. Let us take a look at some of the best vegetarian foods that are rich in proteins.

1. Seitan : 75 grams of proteins per 100 grams

Seitan is also known as Wheat Meat or Wheat Gluten or Wheat Protein. Seitan is one of the highest source for proteins for vegetarians. Seitan acts as meat substitute because it tastes similar and  looks like meat. This is famous in Asian restaurants. This is the only natural food which provides 75% of proteins.

2. Lentils : 26 grams per 100 grams

Lentils provide us with more than a quarter of proteins for the quantity we consume. Lentils also provide us with good amount of minerals like iron, magnesium and potassium. People who are under weight loss program can add these Lentils in their diet plan as they are cholesterol free. Lentils are low in fat and sodium. Lentils can be taken daily in different forms. They can be added to mixed vegetable recipes or they can be taken as a side dish.

3. Peanut Butter : 25 grams per 100 grams

Peanut Butter is one of the good source of proteins for all kinds of people. It helps our body to function to its best as it is a good source of magnesium and potassium. Peanut Butter also benefits the functionality of liver and several metabolic activities by providing us with Vitamin B-6. One disadvantage of Peanut Butter is that it is high in fat. So it is advised to take little amount of Peanut Butter mainly if one is on a weight loss program.

4. Black Beans : 21 grams per 100 grams

Black Beans are one of the best source of proteins.For people who are suffering from diabetes, doctors advice them to take Black Beans. They help in maintaining blood sugar levels. Black Beans take longer time to digest, so one can feel that his stomach full. If one is on a weight loss program taking of Black Beans in their diet is advised as it is low in fat content. They form a healthy mix of  proteins and fiber. They can be taken in different forms.They can be mixed in main recipes or taken as a separate side dish or added to a fry.

5. Almonds : 21 grams per 100 grams

Almonds are a good source for people who are looking for a combination of high proteins and fiber. They are also rich in providing calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. As Almonds are rich in fat content, people on weight loss program  have to take it in limited amounts. Choosing Organic Almonds is best as they do not contain pesticides and chemicals. Almonds can be taken as raw snacks or can be mixed along with vegetables and nuts. Almonds can also be used on pastries and cakes.

Apart from these five high rich protein foods, we also have many foods which provide high proteins for vegetarians.
Sunflower seeds provide 21 grams per 100 grams.

Chick Peas provide 6 to 8 grams in half cup.
Some of the best alternatives include Soy Milk, Nuts, Tofu, Spinach, Black Eyed Peas, Oat meal, Pumpkin Seeds etc. You can make many types of recipes using these protein rich foods.

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